Transfer Beta Tapes to Digital
Listen—If you have Betamax video tapes bunkered in your attic, we’re not even mad. We’re impressed. Do you realize what you are sitting on (or what’s sitting on you, rather)? It’s like an accidental time capsule up there. Got any Honus Wagner baseball cards stashed away? Civil War relics? Dinosaur bones? They wouldn’t hold half the value your family memories do, but it is the memories that are being erased—and at ten times the rate of any of your other treasures. Betamax to thumb drive, digital delivery through Legacybox Cloud™ or DVD service is the last hope of salvaging your video past. You're hurtin’ for a convertin’.
Betamax (also known as Beta) was the analog home video recording format developed by Sony in the mid-1970s. Tapes are one inch thick, six inches wide and 3 ¾ inches tall. Big enough to knock a horse out cold from across the room. “Beta” describes the way signals were recorded to tape, and how the tape looked like the Greek letter beta (β) when it wound through the transport. They added “max” on the back end to suggest greatness. Marketing genius, right? Not for long. JVC created the smaller and longer VHS tapes to compete directly with Betamax. Cue Snoopy and the Red Baron. It was a brief dogfight, and VHS won hands-down.
To the victor go the spoils, and in this case, to the loser went the spoils as well. That magnetic tape in both formats began to spoil and deteriorate 15 years after it was made. If you have Betamax tapes that haven’t yet been converted, your family treasure chest is leaking gold coins—your favorite shows; all those classic music videos; your son’s playoff interception that made the local news; not to mention some of the first home movies ever in the history of your family tree. Those tapes may sit around looking the same forever, but the information on them won’t. Great Grandpa Hufferdink would roll over in his grave if he knew you had moving pictures of his descendants that you let slowly waste away. Get them converted today, and we can laugh about your hoarding tendencies tomorrow. Don’t get them converted and nobody will be laughing.
We want to help unburden those shoulders of yours with our Betamax to digital. Beta tapes are being safely digitized and converted to thumb drive, digital delivery through Legacybox Cloud™ or DVD and digital files in our studio every day. We are ready to send our crushproof Legacybox your way with pre-paid round-trip shipping and tracking via Fedex. Let us do the heavy lifting. After every last one of your Betamax tapes are transferred to digital, we will return all of your original tapes to you so that you can build a bridge to nowhere, design a nice walking path through the garden, or wall off your nosy mother-in-law. See, those tapes are good for something after all.