Convert Negatives to Digital
The freestanding Fotomats have all disappeared, and you no longer take rolls of film to the drugstore. Class dismissed—so you can find, scan, and convert all of your old 35mm negatives to digital before they erode completely, taking your memories with them.
If you took photography in high school, you had access to the darkroom. And unless you were quarterback of the football team, you were probably using the darkroom to actually develop negatives. You learned that prints come from negatives, those 24mm x 36mm reverse images that came on processed film strips. You could make prints big or small, dark or light, and you could use development tricks to do all kinds of swell things to each print. Heck you could even print out your artsy 8x10 of fall leaves and give it to the head cheerleader as a gift, if you were so inclined. When it was all said and done, you could be fairly certain that two things remained true. 1) You had the negatives to reprint from forever, and 2) Head cheerleaders aren’t always impressed by artsy fall leaves 8x10s so much as they are the quarterback gesturing to them from the darkroom.
It turns out only the second was true. In days gone by, negatives were considered the backup files of film photography. That was a misleading notion. Unlike your crush on the head cheerleader, negatives don’t last forever. They are degrading rapidly, and even if they weren’t, nobody is able to see and appreciate all of your hard work with the click of a button? Your artsy leaves? Your action shots? Your slumber party camera wars? Everyone else is uploading their family memories, and you don’t want to be left behind with a keepsakes box full of unusable negatives. Technology has changed everything. How to digitize those negatives, you ask? Leave the scanning to us. We convert thousands of photographs from old negatives every day in our own studio, without any hanky panky from the quarterback. We carefully preserve the quality of the transferred image by hand and our process results in bright, high-resolution digital images. Forget those old envelopes and plastic sleeves. You’ve got to share those memories with your friends and family—in the cloud, on the web, and everywhere. Round trip shipping is on us, and will return all of your negatives when the process is complete. The feeling will be like the last day of school. So be cool, stay sweet, and have a fun summer. Your whole life in pictures is ahead of you.