Scan 35mm Slides to DVD or CD
Cut the lights.
Remember those family slideshows in the 1980s? More like sideshow, right? Dad muttering in the dark, thumping the carousel to get it to work, trying not to burn his fingers as he surgically removed upside down or stuck slides while the rest of the family threw barking dog shadow puppets onto the wall.
Turn the lights back on for a second.
The payoff was always the images themselves. Without the projector, slides are just promises held on 2x2 inch cardboard or plastic frames. You might have stacks of them stored away in trays or plastic cubes. Those promises are fading. Unless you convert the 35mm slides of yesteryear to thumb drive, digital delivery through Legacybox Cloud™ or CD, the show won’t go on. If the projectors were hit-or-miss then, it’s all one big miss at this point. Images are viewed in more reliable and shareable formats these days, and they are stored in more forgiving ways. Chances are those stored slides you’ve got are stuck together, falling apart, crystallized, or fading badly.
At our Legacybox facility, we take your slides by hand, scanning and converting them into a lasting format that you can store and preserve safely and easily. Not only will each slide be preserved, they will be brought to the digital age in all their original glory. Using cropping and high resolution slide to digital service techniques, we insure every one of your slides will shine the way they used to. Family smiles will come back into focus. That Hawaiian sunset will glow orange again.
Okay, back to the show.
Remember the whir of the fan cooling the projector as it blew that faintly plastic smell around the room? The sound of the slides clicking through and the individual slides dropping into place? Seeing dust particles float through the beam of projected light? Those memories are forever, so make sure your images do as well, because they are even more important.
Our slide scanning and transfer service is fast, easy, and we’ll talk with you throughout the entire process, just like Dad narrating that family vacation. Our technicians see to the safe digitization and conversion of thousands of slides every day, right in our own studio. We are ready to send you a crushproof Legacybox with pre-paid round-trip Fedex shipping and tracking. After everything is transferred to thumb drive, digital delivery through Legacybox Cloud™ or CD, we will return all of your original slides, so you can burn your fingers once again if you like, for old time’s sake.